yo..it's me!!

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A SMALL TOWN GAL TRAVELLING FARAWAY FROM HER FAMILY...love adventures n seeking out for new experiences. nothing more greater than having good companions along the way of my journey...keep up with me..;)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

thank you God...

finally...the moment has come...
7 students got 5As in UPSR...
grateful n thankful for the unforgetable n unexpected result for this year...
as for my english paper...8 of them got As but 15 of them failed the paper...dropping!
but to think of it, the numbers of students getting 5As increased tremendously as there were only 35 candidates this year...
last year there were only 2 students got 5As from 53 candidates...
so relieved..!!
need to work harder for next year...i believed as well as others...it will be a blast for next year...aminn..
kids...let's work together...no more playing, but focus in the class...
people...let's pray together n hope something better...
the faces that helped the unexpected result..love u guys!
p/s:thanks to those who helped us to get these tremendous result..to kpah, ksham n kzah...u guys r great!!